Silly Tommy story….

He is such a sponge.    Tonight I was cleaning his room and I had a box in the hallway.  he went up to the box and said something…I couldn’t figure out what he said.  He repeated and I finally got it….he wasn’t speaking english!!! LOL!!!  

He said “Mi Casa”.  He wanted the box to be his house..>LOL!!  I have no idea where this comes from.  It has to be Dora the Explorer but how can you pick up so much from a little show.  

Speaking of Shows….I am working on limiting his TV watching even more.   After hearing again the research about the link of small children watching TV and the increase of chance of having ADD.   My stepson is the prime example!!    I want to do all I can to limit the chance of Tommy having similar problems.  So tonight instead of watching a little video in my bed before he goes to sleep.  We took a bag of books and crawled into my bed to read….I hope this will catch on as well. 

I do sometimes have him watch a video while I make supper if I am home alone.   He does watch TV at daycare too…so I think that is enough.   

0 thoughts on “

  1. With Dylan I didn’t have him watch hardly any tv while he was little.  He didn’t start talking till he was over 3.  With Danni I let her watch a lot of shows (per her pediatrician’s advice) and she was talking much sooner and already talks better than he does most of the time.  So, I don’t think tv is quite as evil as some people do. I do believe in limits, but it can be a very good tool for teaching kids.  Especially shows like Dora and Blue’s Clues.  But I think reading to him will be a great bedtime routine as well.  I wish I were home more in the evenings to read to my kids more because they really enjoy it.

  2. I think it depends on what they watch more than how much. Jimmy’ll spend hours watching animal planets and he has more facts about animals I never heard of! Kira had ADHD, it is very rare for her to sit through a whole tv show, and even more rare for a movie, but she can read for a long time!

  3. Go, bilingual Tommy!!  That is great

    EJ loves Baby Einstein vids, as well as Brainy Baby vids.  His current fave is a sign language video called “Talking Hands,” he’s learned about 10 signs from it in the last week or two!  Amazing!  (But I worry about the amount of video time he is accumulating, too…)

    PS–Thank you again for your incredibly kind words, btw.  I consider you a real friend, too

  4. There is a reason that TV is called the “electronic babysitter”. I do think that it should follow the “all things in moderation” rule. My toddlers watch a few shows but most of their viewing comes from things like Veggie Tales and the Letter Factory. 🙂  Books are my FAVORITE form of entertainment. I read to my children. My older son and I read Harry Potter together and will be reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I’ve memorized about 10 different Dr. Seuss books (sad, but true). Yes, yes, yes. READ!

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