Very busy day at work today.  I left the office at 9:30 for homevisits and didn’t return to the office until after 3:00.  So little time to return calls and stuff.  I guess that is what I will be doing tomorrow in the morning before heading to an IEP meeting.  Thursday and Friday look like lighter days, so hopefully I will get caught up on office things. 

Great night at home this evening.  Hubby was a wonderful helper as always.  I am so appreciative when he helps with Tommy and stuff.  Tuesday is the night I do weekly cleaning since I work late on Mondays.  I used to clean on Saturday’s but not anymore, it is so pointless.  First off why clean on Saturday when the weekend is the highest traffic time for your house??  It stays clean for like 2 minutes!   I either clean on Mondays or Tuesdays and it stays clean until the weekend.   I care little how dirty the hosue and floors get on the weekend now as I know I will be cleaning it in a day or so.  Smartest thing I ever did, too bad it took me a while to figure out that cleaning on Saturday was not the best idea.  I was just doing what my mother had done.  Saturdays now are library time and family time.  I also usually cook alot on the weekends for the week, etc.  And I relax and hang out with my children.  I still do laundry on the weekends and maybe some decluttering, mostly relaxing.

I actually even got all my weekly cleaning done tonight!  I completed the following:

Changed Sheets
Dust & Vacuum
Sweep & Mop (Bath and Kitchen)
Mirrors & Doors
Washed Dishes
Folded One load of Laundry

Tommy and Daddy played for the one hour it took me to do the chores.  I had bought Tommy a pak of play-dough at the dollar store today. 


Work on Menu
Balance Checkbook
Grocery List
Bills Paid
Errand List


Got to scoot…need to write out 11 Valentines for Tom’s class at church tomorrow!  OOPS!! Forgot!

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