I have finished the Miserly Moms book and moving on to Ask Suze, Suze Orman’s book about wills and trusts.   We have an appointment on Monday to draw up our will.  I am going to call and see about the cost to also draw up a trust.  After all my reading, it is very important to draw up a trust to avoid probate costs, etc.  I want my meager estate to go to my heirs not probate costs.  I hope to finish this book by Monday.  It is very well written and easy to understand.  I feel like I am learning alot. 

It is nearly 10:00 and my little guy is in bed and even asleep, what a bonus!  YEAH!!  I am off to crawl in bed and read some more about Wills and Trusts…what an exciting life I live!  LOL!! 

One thought on “

  1. Hi, I just wanted to say probate varies in each state. Where I live it’s not as bad as other places. So when I did my will we didn’t do a trust. I talked to my accountant about it.

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