I am playing some more before my SIL’s come to watch Sex and The City for the evening.  Thought I would try some outside shots to see how they turn out.   


Welcome to our home.  Yes, that is a hedge in the front.  The snow drift is almost bigger.  Our little piece of Winterland.

The Icles of Death.  YIKES!!  Don’t let one of those fall
on your head. 

Our backyard – Tommy’s little play area is way deep. 
You can see all the recent snow on the picnic table.
It is pretty though when your not sick of the snow!

A look down our wintery street. 

My truck…yep, I am a SUV driving Momma.   It is white,
trust me.  They use a ton of salt and sand on the roads
so you don’t slip etc.  Can’t get the truck washed or run the
risk of the doors freezing shut.  I will have to wait until
it gets warmer.

Lastly, I wanted to introduce you to one of my Kitties.  This
is Molly she is a little Maine Coon kitten, that really isn’t
a kitten anymore.  Why hasn’t she grow??  She is plenty spoiled though.


Ok..I better go and find something else to do besides playing with my digital camera.  I beter start supper since I invited my SIL over to eat with us.  Hmmm….Hope it is ready in time!

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