Pretty uneventful evening…don’t tell Josh I didn’t work in the basement.  Once home I made supper and Josh went to a surprise birthday party for a friend at Lava Links.  Tommy and I unpacked our humdifier filters and Suze Orman library that came in the mail today.  I am very excited to read the SUze Orman book on Wills and Trusts…

I decided to take a bath to warm up, still cold in MN.  My little man decided he had to take a bath!!  He wants to take a bath each night now since we play snow!  I am glad i have so much shaving cream to use up.  He did go to bed pretty good tonight.  He was quiet and asleep by about 9:30.  We are working on going to bed earlier and earlier. 

I did dishes and a couple of loads of laundry.  I watched Law and Order with hubby while I folded!  I am excited, I just got an email from the library that the Fourth season of Sex in the Cities is in for me to pick up.  YOu know what I will be doing all weekend!!  YEAH!!!!  Hubby will love that…….poor guy.  Doubt I will be much done this weekend. 

Tomorrow is church night.   I have an early meeting got to head to bed.  Later!

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