SOmeone on a list I am on shared this….good info to know!


Keep for one Month

„X Credit-card receipts
„X Sales receipts for minor purchases
„X Withdrawal and deposit slips. Toss after you’
checked them against your monthly bank statement.

Keep for 1 Year

„X Paycheck stubs
„X Monthly bank, credit card, brokerage, mutual fund,
and retirement account statements.

Keep for 6 Years

„X W-2s, 1099s, and the other guts of your tax

	Year end credit card statements, brokerage
and mutual fund summaries for the year.

Keep Indefinitely

„X Tax returns
„X Receipts for major purchases
„X Real estate and residence records
„X Wills and trusts

Keep in a Safe Deposit Box (it is also good to keep a
copy of these in a strongbox in your home or at least
in a file that you have easy access to in case you need it)

„X Birth and death certificates
„X Marriage license
„X Insurance policies

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