Whew…well time for supper break.  Busy day of paperwork today.  I did schedule all my home visits for January, which feels good.  My calendar is filling up very quickly!  It is my birthday this weekend and I am suppose to go out with my SIL’s.  It is getting hard to schedule that as I have to work at church on Saturday and Sunday is my actual birthday and I should be home with the family.   Hopefully we can go out on Sunday night to a movie and I don’t have to work on Monday as it is a holiday.  YEAH!!!  A girl’s night out sounds very nice. 

Now to finish my resolutions…..

4.  Friends/Family – I am doing better on this.  I was asked to join a book discussion group last year and am still attending it.  It is a great group of ladies.  We have such a fun time.  I would like to continue to make an extra efffort  to maintain my adult friendships.  I rarely write letters, only a Christmas Newsletter.  I hope to write a short card or note maybe once a month, to close friends that live out of state.   My hubby and children are always a priority for me and I would rather be with them all the time.  Someday my children will be grown and I need to have friends then especially.


  • Send Birthday cards to Family and Friends
  • Write a letter once a month
  • At least Monthly activity with friends


5.  Marriage – this is my year to focus on my marriage.  Tommy is starting to grow up a bit and occassionally even sleeps in his own bed.  Sometimes he really surprises us and goes to bed before 10:30.   All my attention and energy has been focused on my children, it always has been.  I need to make a point of letting my hubby know how wonderful he is to me.  He often does very sweet things for me.  He will often put a small chocolate on my pillow with a sweet note.  He tells me he loves me at least 10 times a day.  I am not as good with showing my love daily.  I did not group up in a home like he did.    My hubby is not the type of hubby that leaves us every weekend to go golfing or goes out with the boys.  He would never dream of taking a trip with just the boys.  He is very dedicated to us and especially me.  He spends much time with us and shows us his love for us numerous times a day. 


  • Go out with hubby alone at least once a month (might be unrealistic)
  • Spend time with hubby doing things he likes to do (garden in the summer, go for walks and bike rides)

Ok…those are my goals for the year!  I will have to make a post with them all together in one place.  Now back to work, I have finished my salad and have a stack of paper calling my name on my desk. 


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