• Work out 3 times a week
  • Take my medications regularly to keep asthma under control. 
  • Lose 12# by 6-1-04 and be at goal weight of 125.  
  • Go to Bed at a decent hour each night. 


  • Go out with hubby alone at least once a month (might be unrealistic)
  • Spend time with hubby doing things he likes to do (garden in the summer, go for walks and bike rides)
  • Take a cooking class together?? – we both love cooking.


  • Pay every Credit Card off at end of each month
  • Pay extra towards principle on loans -EACH MONTH
  • Save up for larger expenses (DON”T Charge!)
  • Complete our Wills
  • Begin second Deferred Compensations account for retirement
  • Begin more indepth financial education for Joshua
  • Read a couple more financial/investing books


  • Do my Zones Each month
  • Finish Decluttering main floor of house
  • Declutter the basement
  • Make a menu weekly
  • Follow routines


    • Send Birthday cards to Family and Friends
    • Write a letter once a month
    • At least Monthly activity with friends


  • 4 thoughts on “

    1. I like your personal challenge to write a letter a month. Very nice!

      DH & I are into the personal finance thing, too. Just got some life insurance, now we must make will also…thanks for the reminder

    2. That is SOME list! I wish you good luck with accomplishing it all…

      I like the date night with Hubby…. and once a month get together with friends…. nice stress relievers!

    3. I don’t think spending ONCE a month alone with dh is unrealistic. Even if you have to put the kids to bed early one night a month so you two can have some alone time earlier so you are not so tired and it isn’t so late, you can fix the kids something they like for dinner and then a little later send them to bed for the night and have a special dinner for two for you and dh. Maybe you have a friend with kids who would be willing to trade babysitting? Maybe they would want one night a month alone and you could swap so you are not spending a bundle on child care and you are helping a friend out too! And as far as expensive dates, there are plenty of things you can do that don’t cost a lot. I am sure you will figure it out. We usually take 1-2 weekend trips a year, just dh and I, where we go someplace and do something without the kids. For example, our trip to TN to see Beale St. and Graceland. I need those times away since we don’t get a lot of quality alone time the rest of the year because we are so busy.

      You know, you could incorporate the cooking class into a date. Instead of paying for a class, why not pick a recipe out together, buy the ingredients together, and then cook the meal together, eat and clean up together. You could pick something totally different to cook that you have never tried before. Some ideas… lobster, fondue, shrimp, a dessert, etc.

      Good luck with your goals. They sound great! Are you printing them out so you don’t have to try to find them here? I would print them and put them in my Control Journal, if I were you.

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