Christmas was lovely and relaxing.   Hubby fed my passion for cooking and bought me a lovely cookbook and huge electric griddle.  The boys all enjoyed their gifts very much.   Santa brought Erik and Joshua an electric scooter so they have been driving that all around.  Tommy enjoys his GEO trax train. 

I have now taken our Christmas tree down and have begun the decluttering process of my house!  Man does it need it, plus now add all these gifts,etc.  I worked on the living room today.   I took everything out that didn’t belong,  murphy soaped and lemon oiled the wood floors.   I rearrange the entire room.  I even tried to get control over Tommys toy corner.  I moved the blue chair out and Josh took it to his bedroom.  I moved the rocker from the nursery in to the living room. 

I plan on working hard to do alot of decluttering and organizing this week.  I will start on the dining room tomorrow after I finish a few little things in the living room.  I want to start off the new year with a nice organized home.   The house has sort of gotten away from me, especially the office.   Goodwill will receive a huge load from me. 

Erik went to his bio mother’s today.  He will be returning for the weekend on Friday.  I hope to have the entire main floor done by then.   Hubby is off of work until Tuesday.  He is helping some here and there. 

I am off to sit in my living room and enjoy the new found decluttered peace.   Then to bed…………tomorrow…the dining room!!

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