Busy, Busy weekend ahead….. I have much I need to accomplish. I have made a to do list for each day this weekend. Tonight I purchased the items to make hot cocoa and made some gift jars of cocoa. They turned out very cute! My hubby and I even designed a label.

Saturday – I need to buy the things for making cookies. Monday is my annual cookie exchange at our home. My friends will be over for the evening, always a great time. I made gift jars for each of my friends. I also plan on making banana bread in the afternoon. In the evening I hope to work on the Twice as Warm Blanket I am making for Josh for Christmas. Today my hubby let me buy an electric scissors, which will make cutting this blanket a breeze. I used it to night to make the covers for the gift jars. WAY FUN to USE!!! Now maybe i will be faster at the blankets. I have two to make for Christmas and two babies coming in the very near future. So I will be a cutting….. I also have to make a few Lambs for the baptisms at church.

Sunday, I hope to wrap all our presents and take an inventory. I think I am almost done, except for a bit more for Paul, and Emma. But I do have plenty of wrapping to do!! I am going to package up the gifts for SD and mail them off. I won’t be home for Christmas, but want everyone to have their gifts, especially Dawn and the kids.

What else is new…………hmm….Love our new fridge!! I can even open the doors all the way. Work is crazy. I met a new client, a little boy that insisted on showing me his pet snake. ARGH!!! I was walking up the steps into the house and I look up and a snake is dangling in my face! ARGH!!! That really caught me off guard!

I am maintaining but not losing any additional weight. I know the reason is I forget to eat. My metabolism will go into starvation mode very easily. Yesterday I didn’t eat at all until almost 3:00 for the first time that day. I know when I eat 6 meals a day I lose weight!! I jsut have to really work at it to eat that much food. I hope to do better in the coming days. As long as I maintain my loss over the holidays, I really don’t care! I have 2.5 more pounds to go to my next reward. My reward was going to be tanning sessions, but I think I might get my eye brows professionally done. I have never done that, might be fun! Or maybe tanning sessions!

I have a feeling my Christmas cards are going to end up being new Years cards. I need to find times next week to get those done!

It is way past my bedtime, so I best get to sleep. Flylady would not approve of how late I am up tonight!

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