EXHAUSTION!!!!!!!!!! My weekend certainly hasn’t gone as planned, but then
that is parenthood, right?? I will not be getting any of my chores done this
weekend. I hope to be able to at least pick up and finish laundry. The party
went fine last night. I came home at 10:00 with Tommy and put him to bed.
I ran back over the neighbors as Josh was home with Tommy for a minute to
let hubby know I won’t be coming back as I think Tommy is sick. I had given
him Motrin and he was sleeping. I came right back from the neighbors and
Tommy was up wtih Josh and screaming. He wanted Daddy so we went back
to the neighbors and saw Daddy then came home and got in Mommy’s bed and
watched Blues Clues. Daddy came home and Tommy went to sleep in his room.
Daddy put him to bed. At about 2:00am he was up and screaming and couldn’t
be comforted at all. I couldn’t get him to stopp screaming so we went to
the ER. Hubby was too tired from being up so early for work and stuff that
he couldn’t go with us. I woke up my oldest Josh to go with me. He is 15
and a great help. Off to the ER at 2:00 am. ARGH….you know most people
at hte Er at that time are under the influence. So I had many drunks admiring
my baby. LOL!! Josh found it very odd. Tommy cried, and cried. After
2:00 hours we finally got to see a Dr. He looked at Tommy’s first ear and
said “he is getting a start of an ear infection”. Then after looking at
the second ear, he said, “this one is about to rupture”. WHAT??? He doesn’t
have a fever and hasn’t shown a sign of being sick until 10:00 that night.
WOW!! They gave him Tylenol with Codiene for the pain and an antibiotic
called bioxin, that he HATES!!! After the Er I dropped the prescriptions
off at Walgreens then took Tommy and Joshua home. They both slept on the
couch while I went out to pick up the meds. I returned home at about 5:00am
and gave the baby his meds. He was upset by that, but I got him settled
back down and then to sleep in his new little bed. He was up at 9:00am and
man was I tired. I couldn’t make it to church nor could Josh. Hubby took
Erik to church which he had a fit about of course. At around 10:00 I went
to bed and jsut got up at noon. WHEW….I feel almost alive now. I got
up fed the kids lunch and gave Tommy his meds. Man does he hate it! Then
Tommy went down for his nap, so I will finish this entry and shower and start
my day now. Talk about feeling like a truck hit ya! Maybe the smartest
thing to do would be to take another nap….hmmmmm… Hope everyone is having
a great weekend.
Oh, I hope his ears are better soon! I hope you are able to get some sleep too.
Oh I hate days/nights like that! Biaxin is a fabulous antibiotic though… you will find he is feeling better in no time flat!
Hope he feels better soon!. My son used to get ear infections a lot. Why are they always worse at 2am? Hope you get some rest
Poor Tommy! It’s odd how ear infections can not cause any fever or pain until they are so bad. My kids rarely had them, but that’s what happened with them too. I hope by now you’ve been able to catch up on some sleep and that Tommy is feeling a whole lot better!
{{{Tommy}}} Hope he’s on the mend quickly!