My current state…..TIRED!! I still haven’t caught up from the weekend or being up all night on Saturday at the ER with Tommy. I kept Tommy home from school on Monday, but Daddy did take him to daycare (to his aunties) later in the day. We have not been home an evening this week yet. Monday was Erik’s conferences at school. He is doing better now that he is in special education. Tuesday was a brutal day for me work and home. YAWN!! I had to be at Fraser Children and Family in the AM for an assessment with a family to receive a second opinion on a diagnosis of autism. That took about 4 hours. After that I went to my office, had some lunch, then it was off to Red Wing, MN for a school meeting. I didn’t get home until about 6:00 or a bit later. Then it was off to Josh’s school for conferences. He is doing ok, though I am not too thrilled with his grade in Spanish, but he is making up some work over the time he has off for MEA.
Today I had to have Tommy at the clinic to see the pediatrician at 8:30 this morning. Tommy still have fluid behind both ears and I messed up and need to get more meds. he has another appointment for his 2 year old checkup on the 27th and they will look at his ears again then.
The toddler bed isn’t going very well. It takes at least an hour to get him to stay in bed and go to sleep. He also figured out how to crawl over the baby gate last night, numerous times. So I have to close the door now and put one of those white things on the knob to keep him in at night. I might try that tonight. He did wake up last night at about 5:00am and jsut cried and we went and got him right away so he didn’t crawl over the gate. I am afraid he will get out while I am sleeping and get hurt. The little stinker! HELP!!!!! Suggestions???
I have to head off to appointments soon here and off to a night at home!! There is no church tonight as there is no school, so we will enjoy a much needed day off from activities.
Dream the impossible dream – Joe Darion
Sorry I have no advice, my kids just slept in their beds. Do you let him sleep with you sometimes? We never did, and since that was never an option they never knew there was a comfier spot to sleep somewhere else in the house…