OK…I have learned my lesson. Last night I said to hubby, I have a bit of extra money so I will pay a few bills that aren’t due until next pay period. He said don’t run us short. I said there isn’t anything we need to buy right now. (DUMB REMARK, NOW SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN).

My hubby left for work this morning at 5:30 and I peacefully slept until about 8:30 when I heard Tommy’s door knob on his room wiggle. I spring up expecting to find Erik sneaking into Tommy’s room to see if he was up. Nope, Erik is watching TV. My darling 2 year old figured out how to crawl out of his crib. I didn’t hear him fall so he must have done it fine. But you know what that means!!! I had to go out and buy a toddler bed today!! LOL!! I bought him a wooden Toddler bed from Toys R Us. It is very nice. We bought a sheet set from Kmart with Blues Clues on it. He really liked that. We got it all put together and in his room. I have to baby proof his room a bit more yet, but I think it is pretty good. He will let me know soon enough. He is taking a nap in there right now in his big boy bed. He can almost open the door so I put a baby gate on the other side of the door. I am afraid he will wake up and go outside or get into something he shouldn’t. My bedroom is right across the hall from him but I worry. Tonight should be interesting………

My other dilemna, is we are going to a neighborhood seafood party tonight. The problem is that they got some scary movies for the older kids to watch, which means Josh and Erik and his friends. One of the movies I wouldn’t let me kids watch, though I think they have seen it other places. I know I can’t keep my kids from PG -13 and R rated movies all their life, but I won’t condone it either. So I am a bit torn about tonight. Since I wouldn’t let them watch that movie in my house, why is it ok for them to watch it at anothers house when I am also in the house. ARGH!! The movie I am most concerned about is Scary Movie. It has some inappropriate scenes in it….and yes, I have seen it, but I am an adult. This is always something I am very torn about……..opinions????

Tommy seems to be napping well so I think I will type up my seafood recipe for tonight and do the dishes. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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  1. I just left a comment and it did not post…

    That is a difficult question. I have not seen the movie, but I think I would let them watch it if you would let them watch it if you weren’t also there. If you tell them they can’t watch the movie because you are also at the house, they might just start to wish that you didn’t go places with them. And you don’t want that! I would still say they can’t watch those type of movies at your own house.

  2. I think I wouldn’t let them watch the movie. You have to be consistant as a parent and letting them do something at someone else’s house that they aren’t allowed to do at home (unless it’s something like play with play dough or bang on a set of drums – LOL) is sending mixed signals. Perhaps there are other parents with the same aged children who feel the same way and another movie or activity could be set up in a different room for the younger ones. Good luck!

    And your seafood alfredo sounds YUMMMY!

  3. Have you seen those white covers that you can put on doorknobs so that little hands can’t turn them to open a door? Might be a good idea for other doors in the house too that you don’t want Tommy to open!

    I wouldn’t let my kids watch the movie either. It will be hard when other kids are there watching. I have the same problem when my kids would go over to their friends houses overnight and they’d watch movies.  I always had to sit down with them and explain to them what in the movie was not appropriate and why. 

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