Back to work…….I am in the office today. Actually hasn’t been too bad. I returned to a full mailbox and many voice messages. Social workers sure don’t get a day off without a million messages and stuff. Luckily not one single child protection message on my phone. YEAH!! It is now lunch break and I have all my messages returned. I am getting ready to meet a new little boy I will be working with, then off to pick Tom at daycare.
My agenda for the weekend:
- Straighten Plastic Cupboard
- Straighten Drawers
- Wash Curtains
- Clean Blinds
- Wash Rug & Shower Curtain
- Clean Shower Stall
Master Bedroom:
- Straighten Closet
- Corner by Dresser
Make Baptismal Lambs for the two baptisms at church on Sunday
Make Menu
Get Groceries
Mail Greeting Cards & Bills
When you have decided what you believe, what you feel must bedone, have the courage to stand alone and be counted. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Wow you sure do have a full weekend planned! I’ve gotta get my sewing machine set up to make some livingroom curtains.
Yep, the doctor told me to take Cal/Mag together, iron separate (because the calcium will make the iron less absorbant) and B-12. I’ve been eating bananas and drinking milk like crazy too. Nothing seems to help! *sigh* Seems like the more vitamins I take the less sleep I get! I’m going for blood work again next week and then the doctor will know more. Til then I’m just gonna grin and bare (sp?) it!
Sounds like a busy weekend as usual for you. Hope you get a few minutes for yourself!!! Have a great one!