It has been a pretty non-eventful evening. Hubby had to work really late and then go get Erik yet too. Tommy and I had supper alone, since Josh went off to the bowling alley with friends. Tommy and I ate and chatted as much as a 2 year old can chat. After supper we build with his legos and got ready for bed. Once ready for bed we curled up in Momma’s bed nad watched Elmo. Then it was off to bed for Tommy and off to try out the new dryer for mommy. I am not sure which settings to use, but am figuring it out. My jeans were a bit damp when done, so have to change that. The buzzer even though I have it set to High is so quiet I can’t hear it upstairs at all. ARGH!!
Then I paid bills and reviewed the household budget. I need to get a few items from the store tomorrow as we are going to a seafood party at the neighbors tomorrow night. I will probably get groceries for next week either on Saturday or SUnday night. ALl depends on when I get my list and menu made and clip coupons.
I am off to finish my two little baptism bears for Sunday and head to bed. Later!!
OH YEAH, and Welcome to Desert Daisy. Stop by she has a great site and wonderful homepage. I have to surf through it a bit more as there are some great links on it!
I visted Desert Daisy’s site, and she has a nice site also. Have a good weekend!