I am having one of those days where I think it would have been better if I just never got up! ARGH!!! Last night after church I feel alseep at 8:00 watching Elmo with Tommy. I slept the entire night until 7:30 this morning when hubby put Tommy in bed with me. I was still really tired. ARGH!! Good thing I had a Dr appoint this morning, obviously something isn’t right.

Finally I get Tommy and I all ready to head out to daycare. But I can’t find the van keys anywhere. Hubby drove the van home from church last night so I call him to ask him where they are…………..in his pocket!! GRRRRRR.. I search through the drawers and my purse for an extra set. I finally find one set. And off to daycare goes my little man. I had to put a heavy jacket on his this morning as it was COLD!!

They are having a birthday party for Talia today at daycare. Tommy loves parties!

I came back home for a bit then it was time to head to the Dr. My Dr had just returned from maternity leave this morning. So she showed me pics of the baby. AAAH….she is a great Dr. She decided she thinks I have a sinus infection. I get those a lot due to my allergies. I wasn’t sure what was wrong. She also made a lab slip for me to have my gluocose, cholestrol and thyroid check next week as I needed to fast for 12 hours for those tests. I was a insulin dependent diabetic with my last pregnancy so I am suppose to have that checked yearly. So she will have that check for me to ensure the headache isn’t my blood sugars, etc. I will have to figure out a morning next week that I can go in and have my blood drawn. They will mail me my results.

I stop at the pharmacy and drop off my prescription for the antibiotics. Then I run to fill gas into the van. Back to get my meds and home again. I reach home and look down at the spare keys I grabbed. ARGH!!! There is NO house key on the key ring! I am locked out of the house!! Call my hubby and whine at him about it.

Now I must go to the high school and locate my oldest son who has a house key. OH MY…it is homecoming and kids are everywhere. They don’t have their regular schedule today due to homecoming. I am stuck in a sea of kids and can’t locate mine. I finally make it to the front of the sea again and the office lady told me she told him to look for me by the front doors. ARGH…that is the other way through the sea again!

I find my son…gott love the boy! and he hands me a house key. I race home as the furnance techicians are suppose to be at our house between 12:00 -6:00 and it is after 12:00 now!!

The furnance people just called and the tech is on the way. I didn’t miss them! YEAH!!! I have the chills and am ready to curl up in bed and read and maybe take a bit of a nap. I sure hope I feel better tomorrow. I have a meeting I can’t miss tomorrow. Doubt I am going to get much work done today from home.


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