Today was an early day for work. I had to be at an IEP meeting at 7:30am. So I should be able to leave early today, which will help since we have Families First tonight and supper is always rushed.
Hey…this week is Eat Supper as A Family week or something like that. Maybe we are a rare family but we have a sit down meal together every day. Sometimes it is the only time we get to actually talk about our day.
Tomorrow I am working from home. I have a Dr appoint in the morning, than I have to wait around for the furnance guy to come sometime between 2-6pm. They left me a big enough window didn’t they!! Hate that!
I suppose that means I better try to get laundry under control so he can ge to the furnance. LOL!!! Actually I am only a couple of loads behind.
Change sheets
Dust & Vacuum
Sweep & Mop
Mirrors & Doors
15 minutes walk
Wrap present for daycare
Get to bed by 10:00!!!!!
I hate those big windows, as if we had nothing else to do but wait for them!
We ALWAYS sit down together for supper. Even when Pete has a meeting, he comes home, I have a quick supper on the table, and then he’s out the door.