My current state….Overwhelmed.
I know it is mostly because I am so very overwhelmed at work, but it is spilling over into my home. I had a blow out with hubby last night. I ask him to watch Tommy so I can make supper. He sticks in a movie and goes outside leaving Tommy alone in the living room. The kid has been at daycare all day I don’t think it is too much to ask him to spend time iwth him while I make supper. Ok..there is my rant for the moment. I’m tried and crabby. I have a busy day today. I have to try to get some work work done in between taking care of getting Erik to church by 10:00, Josh to his allergist is Mpls by 11:15 and the van into get fixed by 2:00. In between all that I need to get three reports done for work. ARGH!! Actually I stayed up late and finished one last night so only have two left today. Too much work and not enough time in the day.
The increased load at work does not seem right at all.