FINALLY…I seem to have returned to the world of living. Didn’t sleep well last night, Tommy was up at 2:00am and various times throughout the night. Plus i stayed up later than usual. ARGH!!! This morning we have a 10:00 appointment to refinance and then I am off to work. I have to work laste tonight. My last home visit is at 6:30. I probably won’t get my weekly house blessing done tonight. I will have to do it on Tuesday.


3 thoughts on “

  1. world of the living… Im feeling like that is about to decend upon me here too and Im feeling like doing the big ole duck and  cover… hehe.

    Have a good day… bummer on the having to work late

  2. Yah, I do put alot in the AVON stuff, probably because I am home all day long and it’s what I do instead of cleaning house LOL Seriously though, I am trying to build my customer base and that takes work. Once I have a steady base, then I won’t be so busy. Also, once I get the ideas I have and am learning from other Reps done for myself (like the birthday thing) I won’t be as busy either. At least, not with that type of work. Hopefully I’ll be busier with sorting orders and delivering them 🙂

    I did 3 loads of laundry today and am on my 4th (it’s drying) and I am washing the dishes right now too. Plus, I just got back from the store. I feel like I did alot, even though you can’t “see” it all.

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