AAAAh….the end to a relaxing evening of doing what I wanted. I am getting ready for bed now after a nice evening. Tommy and I got home around 8:00 and hubby had left for the bachelor party already. So I gave Tommy a bath and then we crawled in my bed with snacks and watched Elmo before bed. Once Tommy was down for the night I went and ran .82 miles on the treadmill. Not too bad considering I had not been doing it at all for almost a month again.

After working out a bit, I watched Home and Garden TV all evening. LOL!! Paul doesn’t like all the decorating shows, but I do. So I painted my toe nails and watch HGTV. AAAHHH…a relaxing evening.

Now I am heading to bed and going to read for a bit. I have a feeling it will be a late, late night for my hubby. Isn’t that usually how bachelor parties go! As long as he comes home safe! Night All!

BTW, love the Pilates video I checked out…I did about 1/2 of the exercises and I can feel it in my abs. YIKES!! Wonder how I will feel in the morning?

0 thoughts on “

  1. Don’t you just love evenings like that?  They are few and far between around here right now, but I did manage 90 minutes in the hammock with a book I’ve been meaning to read.  Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

  2. I just started painting my toenails this year and now realize I have been missing out on the “relief from all the chaos” that you get! I should have started 20 years ago. Good for you.

  3. I’m a Trading Spaces junkie. I love the show, not so much for the decorating ideas but to see some of the bizarre things that get done. I’m glad you had a nice, relaxing evening!

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