Busy, Busy Saturday….
I stayed up way to late last night working on my wed page. A friend called me at about 9:30 and I was still sleeping. OOPS…I was meeting her in Red Wing for a BBQ at another friends house. She was leaving in the morning at they were taking the house boat down there. It is about a four hour trip by boat. I of course was going to drive and pick her up at the Marina in Red Wing.
She jsut called though and is running really late as there was a two hour wait at one of the locks on the river. So they were turning back and going to dock at the casino and spend the night there.
So I think I will still head to Red Wing for a short bit. I don’t think I will stay too long as it is a bit of a drive. I just realized I needed to dring a dish to pass…OOPS…so I quickly made a cucumber salad. I need to be out of the house for a few hours as hubby will be bug bombing the house when he returns home from work. He is going to a friends bachelor party this afternoon with his buddy Brian. So I would like to be home in the evening as I think it will be a great quiet evening alone with my book and a nice drink.
But going to Red Wing will get me out of the house enough so he can bug bomb, etc. Tommy just went down for a nap. I will wake him up in about an hour so we can get on our way to Red Wing.
Since i am home alone tonight, it will be a great night to go running on the treadmill after Tom is in bed. I haven’t beening running at all this week. I also checked out from the library today a new Pilates video I want to try. I lifted weights last night and my arms a bit sore. So I think I will skip lifting tonight.
Today must be the party day of the year! I have been invited to a number of parties today!
1. BBQ in Red Wing
2. Neightbors Surprise 40th B-day
3. Kidney Party for a woman I work with who is giving her kidney to her nephew. So they are throwing a good bye party for her kidney. We are goofy at my work, but have enormous fun.
4. Paul is at the bachelor party.
Time to quickly pick up the house and get stuff ready to go. Chat at you tonight!
Sounds like a great day