The end of a nice quiet Friday night…spent at home. Erik and Josh are gone and Tommy heads to bed around 8:00. So I had a nice quiet evening paying bills….WOW..exciting, eh?? It is sooooo very nice to have the extra money from my hubby’s job to be able to actually pay all the bills and still eat without touching the savings much. We certainly are not changing our life style jsut maintaining.
I talked to hubby about disconnecting digital cable or at least get a small package. He called and said our package is the smallest…hmmmm…not so sure about that. And as much as we use our computer for church, leisure and work related things, it is not an option to decrease our service there. Those are our only luxuries. We hardly ever eat out, about twice a month on a Sunday after church.
I am off to bed, tomorrow is a busy day. I need to go to the grocery store and Tommy is getting his haircut at 10:00am in Woodbury and of course our weekly library trip.