My bedroom is done……….YEAH!! I didn’t get to Tom’s room yesterday and he is sleeping now. I might have to save that for a day he is at daycare, either tuesday or wednesday.
Today I was planning on cleanign the living room. I might try and mop the floor while Tommy is in bed, but then I am going to take a nap myself. Tommy was up for a while with his nasty cough during the night. I had a hard time falling back to sleep. And I couldn’t sleep in in the morning as Tommy was in his crib yelling Dad, Dad, Dad, but Dad was on the computer and wasn’t getting up to see to Tom. So I was awake again…….GRRRRRRRRRRR.
Now, Josh has gone to his dad’s for the weekend. Erik is going to a birthday party. Hubby is helping the neighbor finish up his fence before their pool is delivered. Tommy is napping. AAAAH…a quiet afternoon. I am off to mop the living room and then taking a nap. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!