Happy First Day of SRPING CLEANING!!!
I have my bedroom all ripped apart. I have gone through my drawer, cleaned the windows and have the curtains and bedding in the wash. I still have to go through the courner of hidden junk and my closet. Then I will finally get my spring and summer clothes out. I doubt I will get to Tom’s bedroom today too…but I will try.
Tomorrow is another day. I want to get some reading time in too!!! This morning we went to 1/2 books and I bought the next 4 books for my book group. They are having a 20% off sale all weekend. YEAH!! But I was good, I only bought the books I needed. Hubby went with and bought a few things as well. OH well…..
I bought the following books:
The Cape Ann- Faith Sullivan
Emress of One – Faith Sullivan
* Faith Sullivan is from Minneapolis and is going to be at another book groups meeting to chat about her book. We are trying to get out group invited as well!
Dress Lodger – Sheri Holman
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio – Terry Ryan
Loopdeloup – The book my group discussed last night was: Delta Wedding by Eudora Welty. I am not going to recommend it to you…*smirk. It required too much thinking to keep all the characters straight!
Mrs_Ann_A – today Josh is taking his Permit test. We will have a driver to teach in a few hours!! YIKES!!! Congrats on the weight lose. I hope to be exercise each day during my vacation, but I could never do one to two hours a day!!!
Frejaluna – Great to see your comments! I am still waking to hear about all your great finds at the Garage Sales in Red Wing. I was actually in Red Wing the Friday at a meeting at Vasa Children’s Home, but left right after the meeting! But thought of you finding your bargains!
Good for you for getting so much cleaning done!
Good for you for getting so much cleaning done!