It has been one of those mornings already!   AARGH….I fell asleep last night fine, but woke up at 3:30, wide awake!   Tommy woke up at 4:00am.   I put him in bed with me and when he started to goof around too much I got up and put him back in his room.  But now i am totally awake at about 4:15am. 

So I get up and make my breakfast and climb in bed to read for a bit.  I fall asleep reading and sleep until my alarm goes off.   But I am more tired now that I went back to sleep.  ARGH!!!  Should make for an interesting day.  I think I might work late tonight to get all caught up at work.  I have a lot of time reporting to enter.

Got to run…maybe i will make my to do list over lunch!  Later!

I will have nothing to do with one who blows hot and cold with the same breath.  – Aesop

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