Taking a break to snarf some supper here at work. I am having a chicken breast stuffed thing…very good. But I grabbed a can of veggies, Zucchini. But they are in a tomato sauce…GROSS!! But I am eating it or I will starve…LOL!! But I am not enjoying it!
I still need to work for a few hours, then I will be good and caught up until Monday *smirk . Sometimes my job is this enormous pile of paperwork. ARGH!! But I guess I have to do it.
I decided I must be cold hearted or blooded or something. In my office we have lights that detect heat and movement. I was sitting here reading some reports and the lights turned off….I guess I don’t have enough heat to keep them on. LOL!!! I moved a bit and they cam right back on. So no sitting still tonight as I think I am the last one left on the floor. The lights in other cubicle aisles have gone off already. I sort of like to work late on Fridays as no one else does! Other nights of the week you will find people still here.
Well I have snarfed my supper in record time, so I better get back to doing my time reporting. I am almost 1/2 done!
I think my Sister and BIL might be coming this weekend. Should be nice weather for a visit. My parents might come with them. Hmmm….might have to clean up my house….NAH!!! Just have to clean off the dining room table andwill call it good enough. I want to spend time tomorrow reading not cleaning!
Later!! Have a great weekend!!
Gee, Jen, I’d rather read than clean too.
I hope that you have a really great weekend. Thanks for the commenting about Aden. He is 15 months old. That is pretty close to Tommy’s age, isn’t it?