Hello – A bit hectic around my home again, but then again isn’t it always. Tuesday night I worked a bit late and my SIL was over printing out calendars for her church group. Tommy got very crabby so I gave him a bath and put him to bed. I didn’t get to bed nearly as early as I had wanted as I wanted to finish up the zone chores I had to do in my office.
I but my book down and decide to go to sleep, and Tommy wakes up really crying. ARGH!! So I get up use the restroom and hubby gets Tommy. I give a bit of Motrin thinking that maybe his teeth are bothering him and he sleeps snuggled up to me.
In the morning Tommy is cranky again while I am dressing him. I had to wake him to get ready for daycare. I get Tommy’s breakfast and put him in his highchair. He is fussing as he is having trouble with his sippy cup, but he is drinking with only one arm. So I go and put his other arm up to his cup. He cries and cries when I move his arm. Ok. Weird….he must have slept wrong on it. His arm is just laying there and he won’t move it at all. I start getting concerned. I decide I will tell his auntie about it and have her keep and eye on it. I try putting his jacket on and he cries loudly again. Ok….there is something wrong with my baby’s arm!! I have no idea what could have happened to him, but he won’t use his arm. All I can think of is he got his arm caught in the crib bars and broke it?? I call daycare (auntie) to see if Tommy had fallen yesterday or anything??? Nope…..I call the Dr and ask if they could please see Tommy this am as he is in pain. My WONDERFUL Peds said he would see him right away. While I was on the phone Tommy was walking and stumbled and when he fell he only put his one arm out to break his fall. ARGH!!!!
I am freaking, how could he be this hurt and I have NO IDEA what so ever as to what happened to him. I head to the clinic and try calling my hubby to inform him. I finally get ahold of hubby. I didn’t know how to get a hold of him at his internship. I Tell him something is wrong with Tommy’s arm! He says, which one?? I say his left! He says…Oh…I think I did it.
It seems Tommy was in the bathroom and hubby was walking him out by the hand and Tommy let his legs go out from under him as he didn’t want to leave the bathroom. Hubby said he heard a pop, but Tommy didn’t cry or anything. This was the evening before. That explains why he was crabby and why he got up in the middle of night. My hubby raced to the clinic to assist with the x-rays and everything. He was near tears, he felt so terrible that Tommy was hurt.
The Dr saw Tommy and felt his arm, he didn’t think it was broke, but did an x-ray to make sure there wasn’t a buckle fracture. The Dr said he had a very common condition called “nursemaids Elbow”. This is where the ligament is trapped into the joint after a child’s arm is pulled. The Dr had to make an adjustment to slip the ligament back where it belongs. I could not hold Tommy during that, I made my hubby do it. I looked away and was in tears. I can’t stand to see my baby hurt. ARGH!!!
I hope we never have to have that done again. ARGH!! Most of the day yesterday, Tommy wasn’t able to use his arm. By last night he was using his arm and doing much better!
Last night I decided we shouldn’t go to church as I was afraid that Tommy could fall with all the children and wouldn’t be able to catch himself. My SIL came over and finished her printing project. I didn’t accomplish much last night, I did do the dishes since I couldn’t stand to wake up to them. Other than that I ran to Target to pick up a few clearance toys for gifts needed throughout the year for daycare.
Tommy slept through the night last night and was fine when he woke up this morning. I need to drop my niece off at school this morning on my way to daycare.
So we are back on schedule again I think. This weekend I think my parents are probably coming to visit as it is my birthday on Saturday. I am not sure what we will do to celebrate.
LibraryPost Office – buy stamps, tax form
Bank (got to bank couldn’t find check…ARGH)
Grocery for Weekend
Target – head cleaner, Pencil Sharpener
Pay Bills
Make Menu for week!
Oh poor thing! I would have wanted dh to hold him also! Glad the doc could see him right away.
I have had to deal with this, and it’s not fun. My oldest daughter had this same problem. Her Daddy unintentionally popped it out joint when he picked her up by her arms (he never did that again!!) The joint took a while to tighten up again, and so we had recurrences over the next few months. The doctor showed me how to put it back, and it is really simple. You bend the arm at the elbow, hold the elbow with your other hand, and then gently rotate the wrist outward (away from the middle of your child’s body). It will pop right back in and your child will be visibly relieved. Good luck with Tommy!
Poor little guy!! Hope he is feeling better!
Poor little guy. They’re so fragile. . . I’m just glad it wasn’t any worse. :’-(
My son had that problem until he was 5 or so. He actually learned how to fix it himself after a while. It didn’t stop him from being a great baseball pitcher, don’t worry, your son will outgrow it