Hello – Today sure went by fast!!   It was a holiday for my work, so I didn’t have to work.  I did end up needing to go to a school meeting for work, but I took some time off on Friday.

I slept in late today.  I was up late last night posting a couple of Ebay auctions.   I still have a number more to do.  Mostly jsut shoes and stuff of Tommy’s.  He is forever outgrowing things.

The only exciting events of the day were I finally remembered to by a new toilet seat and I finally gave out cat, Robbie, a bath.  He had gotten into some thistles or something in the swamp out back and had knots in his fur.  Not the most fun in the world.  But much nicer to have a clean cat sleep on your pillow with you at night.

Today was my weekly cleaning day so I did all that.  It is my favorite day to go to bed early.  Nothing is more rewarding then fresh bed sheets………..love it!  

Well I think I best get at least two more auctions posted before Tommy wakes up.   A little extra money for Christmas.  Have a great day! 


 11– Veterans Day    United States

This day was formerly known as Armistice Day and honors all those who have served in all the country’s wars.


11– Remembrance Day    Canada

This day honors soldiers who have died in war.  Remembrance services are held, and many observers wear poppies as a symbol of the day.


11– Independence Day    Poland

This day celebrates the re-creation of the state of Poland.  Formed in the early ninth century, the country was subject to partitioning by Prussia, Austria, and Russia during the mid-1700s.  On November 11, 1918, at the end of World War I, Poland declared itself an independent republic, yet fell under communist Russia in 1944.  Poland’s independence was restored after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.


11– Birthday of Baha’u’llah    begins at sundown  

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