Just a quick hello before heading to bed.  Tommy seems to be feeling a bit better today, but is very clingy and whiny still.  I just put him to bed a few minutes ago.   I just confirmed with the older two boys what homework they have.  Josh has a project he has to work on.  He needs to have 4 note cards and 4 sources done by Monday.  Hmm…did he bring any books home???  Of course not, he said he will just use the Internet!  Had I know this I would have took him to the library today!  Argh!!!

I looked through Erik’s book bag and he has a project about a book.  He had a number of the worksheets returned to him as he did so poorly on them.  So I am gonna head to bed and quickly read the book.  It is only 58 pages and large print!  That way I will have a bit of an idea of what he should be doing.   Thank goodness it is a quick read!  

So I think tomorrow after church will be homework time for my two oldest boys!  Hopefully nap time for Tommy! 

We did have a bonfire tonight.  I took Tommy out to it for a while, but he kept trying to walk at the fire pit.  It was too difficult so I brought him in.  Josh and I played Scattergories (I beat his butt) until Tommy got really mad about not being able to have the pencil.  Woo Hoo…he is getting a little temper! 

Well off to read my Fort Graders book, “Sarah, Plain and Tall.”

Hope you are all having a great weekend.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Feel better Tommy!!!

    I’m relieved to see that my brood isn’t the only one who doesn’t bring home all the books and supplies needed for homework.  Good luck in getting their projects done!

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