Morning….I will ahve to make this quick.  Tommy has ECFE in an hour and we are both still in our pjs.  halloween was fun, Erik was with us too.  He got a huge pillow case full of candy.  Tommy went to about a totally of 7 houses.  It was so cold, so we went our early and to just a few houses.  We then loaded the kids in the van and went to Grandma and Grandpa’s and Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Danny’ house in a neighboring town. 

Joshua and his friends handed out candy at our house.  They had our sound system set up as well as our smoke machine.   We had about 76 children come trick or treating.  I always make 100 bags of goodies, so we have a few left over this year.  It was a good turn out considering it was a school night. 

I am off to shower and take Tommy to ECFE and they to work.  Have a great day!!!


1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith? – Lutheran

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? – Yes- it is important to me

3. What do you think happens after death? – everlasting life

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?  Communion

5. Do you believe people are basically good? – YEs, most people are.   But I do believe there is some evil in the world.


0 thoughts on “

  1. Your site looks so homey, Ostara  Glad Tommy had fun trick or treating–it was cold here, too, we hit about five houses (each of our close neighbors invited us in, so each house was like a 15-30 minute visit!!).  EJ has his first ear infection, darn daycare  How is your little man?

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