What a day……..We have church tonight and I needed to get this book to add to our basket for the silent auction.  So I got up early and figured I would stop at a bookstore on the way to work.  I stop at the mall since, there are two book stores there.  SUrely one of them would have the book I was suppose to get.  NO!!!  So they tell me to try the big Barnes and Noble in Woodbury…ok, sort of out of the way, but near interstate so I can get to work pretty easy.  Of course the book wasn’t there either.  So I take my cell phone and start calling around.  Who would have thought this could be this difficult.  So I finally locate the book at the Barnes and Noble in Eagan, MN.  So off I go again out of my way, but closer to the side of town my office is.  I tell them to hold the book and I will be there within 30 minutes.  OK….I get there and get the book, by the time I get to the office it is about noon.  ARGH!!  I was suppose to be taking tomorrow off to spend Halloween with the kids.   I stayed at the office for about an hour or so, then figured since Tommy is at daycare today, it would be a better day to take off, since I had already wasted 1/2 the work day getting this book for church.  ARGH!!!

So I come home and got my huge pot of soup cooking.  I made a huge pot of Split Pea Soup with Ham.   I have made this before and the family likes it.  So I tripled the recipe.  We had this for supper tonight, plus I froze 3 lunches of it for my work and 5 portions for our suppers.   I figure if I am going to amke soup I might as well make it and freeze some, sure saves time!!   I freeze my soup in gallon sized zip lock bags.  I freeze them flat in the upstairs freezer, then move the following day to the deep freeze downstairs.   I plan on soaking some beans before leaving for work tomorrow.  I am going to make bean and ham soup tomorrow.   I am only going to make a single recipe since we haven’t had this one before.   I learned this from last time.  I made 4 suppers of a soup we didn’t like.  Now I always make sure we love something before I cook in bulk.   With the internet I find a lot of Once A month Cooking sites and recipes.   If you are a working mom like me, life is so much easier by cooking in bulk and a crock pot.

I am hoping for Christmas this year, my hubby will get me the new Rival Crockpot they have.  You can set it to cook for how ever many minutes you need then it will warm the rest of the time.  Very Very cool!!  That way I wouldn’t have to worrry about things overcooking if I get stuck in traffic, etc. 

Church class was fine tonight, we talked about developing a family mission statement.    After church we carved our pumpkin.   It had started to rot in the inside….ICK!!! The outside was fine.  Very gross….so no picture of Tommy in the pumpkin. 

I am starting to get tired, so here is my recipe for Split Pea soup if anyone wants to try it.  This is the single recipe, double or whatever to freeze some.  It does freeze very well.

(8 Servings)

10 Cups of water
4 cups Split Peas
1 Cup ham, diced (I add a bit more)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1/4 teaspoon marjoram, crushed
1 bay leaf, finely crushed
1 Cup celery, chopped
1 Cup onion, chopped
1 Cup carrots, sliced

Rinse Peas; combine peas, water, ham, salt, pepper, bay leaf and marjoram in large Dutch oven or stock pot.  Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat, simmer (don’t boil) for 1-1/2 hours.  Stir occasionally.  Add Celery, onion, and carrots.  Simmer, uncovered for 30 minutes. 

 Well I am off to bed.  I am hoping hubby will cut up the remaining two hams we have in the fridge tomorrow for me.  So far I have about 7 meals of ham slices packaged.  The rest is diced for some future things I want to make, more soup and ham and cheese pockets.   My freezer should be getting full of quick meals.   Cub also has buy one get one free sale on Turkeys.  I might get two, if they will fit in the freezer.  I make a lot of stuff to freeze out of Turkey and we are just finishing eating the stuff from my last turkey cooking session. 

Have a safe and wonderful Halloween tomorrow!!!!!!!!

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