Hello – I had to be up and out of the house early this morning for a meeting.  I didn’t get a chance to post.  For a Monday my day is going pretty good.  Since I ended up not working on Friday, I was faced with 15 voice messages when I got into the office, which really is pretty good for being out of the office a whole day. 

I am not sure if it is the weather change or what, but my breathing isn’t very good today.  I am asthmatic.   It is snowing again today, though it really doesn’t stay on the ground.   I guess I should scoot and get some lunch and work some more.  It is 2:30 already and I haven’t had a lunch break.   I get too busy. 

Tonight is my cleaning night.   I hope Tommy is sleeping when I get home so I can quickly get my one hour of cleaning done.


  • Change Sheets
  • Take out all Trash
  • Dust
  • Sweep – Kitchen, bathrooms, and entryway
  • Vacuum – living Room
  • Mop
  • Windows and Doors
  • Do at least 15 minutes clutter fling in the Office
  • Get Erik’s Winter Clothes out
  • Clean off Dinning Room Table – 1/2 DONE
  • Get Halloween Stuff out

SUPPER:   Alfredo Pasta and Salad

0 thoughts on “

  1. You are an asthmatic- what kind of triggers do you have? Has it been a lifelong thing for you?  I mentioned in a blog about Aubree being “rediagnosed” with vocal cord dysfunction vs. asthma… after helping Aubree through many “attacks” which mimic asthma very closely I am told, my heart goes out to all who have asthma- can be quiet scary sometimes!  Do you need to take a lot of meds to keep symptoms under control?

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