Today was a very peaceful and enjoyable day. I relaxed a lot and seem to be on the mend from my little flu bug. I did enough of my list. I watched a movie with DH and cross stitched a bit while watching the movie. We snacked on the pumpkin bread I made…Y*YUMMY!!! Tommy loves it!
Tommy went down for his second nap of the day and hubby left to pick up Josh from his dad’s. I decided I would spend 15 minutes and clean off the kitchen table. Hmmmm..took less than 3 minutes. Ok…I will quickly do the dishes. Hmm….still over 6 minutes left. I will dust hubby’s side of our bedroom and sweep the floor. All this accomplished within 15 minutes. WEIRD…usually that would take me all day! I just if I would just stop procrastinating I would get a lot done.
To reward myself, when hubby got home I took a nice, long, hot bubble bath. I took my book with me and read two chapters. It was so relaxing. Then it was time for Law and Order which I watch with hubby. End of a nice bath….AAAAH…..
Now I am off to read Tommy a story and put him to bed. Then put me to bed.
you just don;t strike me as a procrastinator. then again – the list making is no 1 procrastinators device – i know because i’m an expert list-maker/procrastinator
anyway, do take care of you as well as those never ending lists and baby fun too. *sleep well*
Pumpkin bread… YUMMMY!
and Bubble baths…… sigh
Thats a great day!
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful day!
I was a huge procrastinator before flylady… when I stick to her (which helps me remember “baby steps”) I don’t overwhelm myself as much… even if all I got done for weeks were my dalies each day- I would be way further ahead than I was a year ago- scary