Morning…….slept a bit late today. Argh so I have to make this quick. Josh is having pictures taken today at school. I started thinking I haven’t filled an order form or paid for anything. I call the high school and ask and they said they had been announcing for the past two weeks that order forms were in the office. ARGH!! My son is so irresponsible sometimes. So I have to drive up to the school and pay and stuff or we won’t be getting his pictures. ARGH. Had I not checked, we would not have any school pictures. once again Mama saves his butt.
So I am off to shower. Later all, have as best Monday as possible!
I’m pretty sure that it’s not just your son that forgets stuff like that. My husband still does and he’s well past his teenage years.
Ya it’s a male thing!!!!
It would be nice if the school mailed the info to the home, your son is just one of many who forgets.
They shouldn’t put that responsibility on kids…they should assure it gets to you (mailing like Anne said would be wise).
Kimberley is a senior and she STILL forgets to bring things home. Sigh.
Since we homeschool we just get our pic’s done at Wal Mart when they have those sittings. So if you ever miss a year, keep that in mind. $4.95 for a pack of 100 or so pictures isn’t a bad price either!