WHEW!!!!!!!!!  I have lived through the weekend.  I am very tired.  It was a lot of fun. Saturday morning I made Hubby get up and wake the two boys whose mother was coming to get them at 7:00am.  Of course in the meantime he woke up all the other kids as well.  By 9:00 the kids were all up and getting really wild.  I ended up going downstairs and ending the sleep over since the baby woke up once in the night due to them, I wasn’t about to have him wake up early as well.  So everyone headed home and we could get ready for the family party and bonfire that was occuring the evening. 

The family party was fun everyone was here.  At around 7:30 we had a bonfire and neighbors and friends came over.  We all hung about until about 11:30.  I came in after everyone left and the floor was covered in mud since it had rained.  There were a million half-drank juice boxes, pop and beer cans.  I said forget it, and swept the floor and went to bed.  It was a really fun party.  Tommy enjoyed being with all his aunts and the bonfire.  Erik did well and was good. 

Today I was just dead tired.  I didn’t get up until about 9:00 and was dragging the entire time.  I manage to scrub the kitchen floor a bit, but will need to redo tomorrow since Erik drug in a bunch of mud today again.  I did undertake the huge task of getting Tommy’s summer clothes out of his drawers and putting in winter clothes.  But I am glad it is done!  I hate doing that, and need to do Erik’s dresser yet too.  We also went to Target and purchased a Wedding gift or so for my neice. 

Tommy isn’t settling down very well tonight for sleep.  He is still talking and goofing around in his crib.  I suppose I should go, he is about to actually start crying.  He was really wound up!!  It was a busy weekend for him too!


  • Change Bed Sheets
  • Take out all Trashes
  • Dust
  • Sweep
  • Vacuum 
  • Mop
  • Clean Windows and Mirrors
  • Exercise
  • Clean off Dining Room table
  • Menus
  • Wrap Wedding Gifts
  • Pay Bills
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