I am eating a late lunch here at work.  I get busy and I don’t think to eat until I am really hungry!  LOL!! 

I went to the Dr this morning to get my Depo shot.  After that I stopped at one garage sale.  Only bought two pairs of little mittens for Tom and a Gymsport pull over.  After that I stopped off at the bank and cashed some checks and pickup a prescription at Reed’s Drug. 

Then I noticed the WBL farmers market was occurring so I stopped at home and got hubby.  We bought some stuff to make babyfood.  I am bought some baby lettuce, eggplant, parsnips, beets and some pumpkin.  So I think I will be making some babyfood this weekend. 

Well I need to finish up my lunch and get a couple more things done before I stay home.  Here is hoping for a quiet weekend.  

Everyone shoot a good thought to Becky2620 as she is being induced this Sunday.  GOOD LUCK!!!

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