Making a bit more progress around here. YEAH….I need to get up early tomorrow as I have to be at the Dr’s at 9:00 for my shot. Ok…maybe someone on here can help me. I got my cholesterol results back and they said the results were borderline and I need to have it rechecked in 6 months. But I don’t understand it. It said my total chols. needed to be below 200 and mine was 150. That seemed ok. My good Chol. (HDL) needed to be around 50 I think it said. Mine was only like 33. Ok…here is my question, what do you do to increase your good cholesterol???? I fear the answer will be exercise and diet…LOL!! Why can’t I just eat good chols. whatever that is!
Tonight we went to Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) to meet our teacher, Nicole. We have the same teacher as last year, so not much of a surprise. Tommy enjoyed seeing some old friends and playing with the toys. He could care less about his teacher. LOL!!
I am still plugging away on my list…………
Run Errands – Bank, Library, Post Office, Target and Mervyn’s
- Make babyfood – plums and
- Complete Frasier paper work for Erik’s assessment
Put Tommy’s clean cothes away.
- Put Laundry away – Hubby washed a ton yesterday
Reconcile checkbbok
- Pay bills
- Make menus
Update Calendars
My hubby was very sweet today and offered to run two of the errands, the library and post office. I was able to get into work earlier that way. Only a few more things to get done and I have accomplished what I needed for the week. I still have a day left!
I am not sure what our plans are for the weekend. It is our “low” kid weekend as Josh and Erik are with our ex’s. I think this might mean I can rent movies! R-rated ones at that!
I am off to bed to read a bit, I started a new book last night, “the Bachelor”, it is pretty good so far. I think I will go to the library this weekend too.
Have a great FRIDAY!!! Yes, it is finally here…..well almost, FRIDAY!!!