Morning……… far my morning is going pretty smoothly. I got up and messed around on the computer, about 15 mintues. Then I got Tommy up since he was crying, yep, of course he was standing again. I got him dressed and fed and we played a bit. Then I started his movie (Baby Mozart) so I could take a shower. I don’t know what it is about that movie but he LOVES IT! he has two movies that he will actually watch and you can take a shower or make supper. The other one is BEE SMART BABY Vocabulary Builder, also set to Mozart music.
I still need to do my makeup and hair, but I have my shoes on. LOL!! So what would the Flylady say! I have done 15 minutes of decluttering in my bedroom. My bedroom, the office and basement are the rooms in my house that are always so cluttered. So this week I am making sure to get my bedroom all straightened out. I decluttered a nubmer of magazines and herbs. I had all these different herbs I used when trying to conceive. Don’t need them anymore, they have done their trick…and we have Tommy.
MOMMOM2E&J you asked what my tip is to clean my house in an hour….well go fast! LOL!! Actually I do my cleaning according to the I really find that by doing my morning and bedtime routine I really keep on top of stuff. SO when I do my cleaning, there aren’t a ton of toys and stuff to pick up. I jsut have to scrub the floor, etc. My son also helps. He had to do empty all the waste baskets in the house and vacuum the steps. I try to do the flylady little missions and stuff and sometimes I actually do the detailed cleaning for the zone. If your not getting the flyaldy emails I reccomend it, since that was what got me organized. BLAH………BLAH…..Blah…….. I sound like an infomercial.
I am off to do my hair and makeup and make peaches for the baby. Tommy is napping so I only have about a 45 minutes till he wakes. Later!
Ohhhhhh I totally can see how flylady works, I just can’t stand the emails. If you saw my blog a bit ago on how many emails I get you’ll know why. And that’s only on my main account. One day I will have my house to the point that I can clean the whole thing in an hour. I can do it! I will do it!!!
I’ve got to get some Baby Mozart tapes for Logan! Right now the only thing he’ll watch is Elmo’s World on Sesame Street. Maybe then I can get some things done around here, too!