Moving Frenzy has begun at my work.  Everyone is packing the place up so it is hard to work, since you can’t find anything.   It sure is an interesting time.   LOL!!   I will be working from home tomorrow, but might go in the office on Thursday just to make sure I have all my stuff packed correctly for the movers, etc.   And Mscaffeineaddict, I did declutter a lot in my office at work.  I do have two piles I never got to so I will move them and get them all filed in the new office.  I did throw a lot of stuff out, could throw more of course.  What do you expect I am only a flybaby.

Tonight I tried to do my weekly cleaning.  You know….vacuum, dust, mop, clean door and mirros, change sheets and garbage.  I got most of it done, except mopping floors and the sheets.  I do have the bed stripped, so I will HAVE to put new sheets on before bed.  Usually I can get all my cleaning done in one hour, but Tommy decided his evening nap would only be 30 minutes.  ARGH!!   So I will have to save the mopping for tomorrow sometime. 

Well I am off to make my bed……..I LOVE going to bed with fresh sheets.  What a great feeling……….so I think I will go cuddle up in them and read a bit.  

Good night…….I think I will finish my drink and call it a night!

I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. – Emma Goldman

0 thoughts on “

  1. Dang I’d love to be able to get my cleaning done in an hour………hahhhhhhhha.  You’re so organized.  Give me some tips please!

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