Well we had a fairly relaxing afternoon. After Tommy’s nap we went to Red Lobster……..YUMMY!! The bottomless bucket of crab…….Tommy sat very nice and played while we ate. He really enjoyed watching all the people and smiling at them of course. The little flirt!
After Red Lobster Tommy took a nap and I set forth to conquer the office. I actually did pretty well. I got one book case cleaned up and weeded out a file cabinet. I still have some filing to do. But it is looking better and better.
We went for a walk this evening, but it was very humid out side. I have a hard time with the humidity and my asthma. I hope Josh is doing ok. I think he is starting to develop asthma…..or maybe it is just the seasonal allergies stuff. Who knows……….He is terrible about taking his medication, but then so am I.
Tommy was sure cruising around in his new little walker tonight. He was really enjoying that. He went down the hall and even into the kitchen. He was following Kristen around a bit. Now he will be able to follow Josh around too…LOL!!! He sure loves his big brother and Daddy. Tommy is saying MAMA more the last few days. I am changing his diaper and he says MAMA, instead of DADA finally ..LOL!!!
Tonight I was cleaning in the office and Paul had put Tommy to bed. After a bit Tommy was screaming, not just fussing, so I went to check on him. Somehow he has figured out how to stand up in his crib and he couldn’t get back down, so he was screaming. So Daddy had to crawl under the crib and lower the mattress again. He is such a little turkey………LOL!! I have a feeling he will be walking soon. He is still not really crawling. He does scoot backwards, but doesn’t go forward at all. Josh walked the day before his first birthday, I think Tommy will before that.
It sure is a joy to raise a little one again. I am also really enjoying sharing the experience with Joshua. It is also nice to be co-parenting, with my child’s father. I raised Josh all on my own, therefore he and I are very close. Josh adores his little brother. Josh has turned out to be a very responsible young man. Actually our neighbors came over tonight to see if Josh could babysit their 3-year old while they went out. But Josh is with my ex-husband, Jim for the weekend. SO he wasn’t able to, but I know he would jump at the chance. He enjoys playing with Noah and loves to earn money. With Erik gone on vacation with his Mom, Josh hasn’t been making his 10.00 a week to watch him. SO he is broke. He has expenses…LOLL!!! Thursday he wanted money to go to MarketFest so he was washing dishes and sweeping the floor when I got home from work. LOL!! And he watched Tommy for Paul when he went to hand in a job application. (I knew he wanted money…lOL!! and of course I gave him some) He is a good kid, doesn’t give us much grief.
I don’t really do allowance at our house. I tell the boys it is their responsibility to keep their room clean. But if they do some of the chores that Dad or I usually do, which is everything else..LOL! …they can earn money for that. SO when Josh wants some money he will clean like crazy…without you asking. He usually does take out the garbage and stuff for me since on the night it needs to be taken out, Paul is at school all night.
Well I am off to read my book…….it is a pretty good read so far.