More Picture to share………of my favorite guys! 

Erik and Tommy

Josh and Tommy take a nap while Josh is babysitting.  It was very cute I got home from the library and they were both alseep on the couch.

My Teen……he is a true teen!  This is Josh putting on the ultimate cool as he boards the bus for bible camp in Iowa.   His first time away from home.  He was scared  but ended up having a great time.   He might go again next year, though he is talking about wanting to go on the mission trip through church instead.  I told him we will see, it really depends where they are going to do mission work next year.  I really am too protective of him to allow him to do a mission trip to Mexico, etc.   If it is in the states, I might be ok with him going.  Usually they work on assisting to build a house, etc for a mission trip.  It is a great expereience for him, that is for sure!

Well I better get to bed now, I have to get up for church in the morning.

0 thoughts on “

  1. I totally understand about being hesitant to let them go on the mission trip.  I’m glad he had a good time at camp.  I wish Georgianne’s youth group had gone this year.  She sure needs SOMETHING to do. 

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