
My long weekend is over.  I do feel sort of rested, but once back at work the feeling of overwhelm returns.   Working as a public servant for the government is interesting to say the least.  We are in the process of being moved to a new building that is being built in West St Paul.   Some people went on tours and our floor which has around 100 people on it, only has two stalls for the bathroom.   We have more than that in the building we are in now, and there are less of us.   It should be interesting.  Also they only have one break room for all 800 of us, and it is the size of the one in our current building.  Terrible planning to say the least!  The administrator’s comment was they will be putting picnic tables outside.  Hello….we live in Minnesota, it is only warm enough to eat outside like 4 months of the year.  Should be an interesting process that is for sure.  We are moving into the new building next month and will need to start packing in a few weeks.  What fun, not like I don’t have a million other pressing work related items to do.

Ok….weekend was nice, but hot!  We went over to the neighbors for Noah’s 3rd B-day party.  It was very hot outside, so I couldn’t stay too long with Tommy, he was very uncomfortable.  The rest of the afternoon we spent getting Josh packed for camp.  He was getting a bit nervous about going.  In the evening we watched the movie “I am Sam” and called it a night. 

Sunday morning I woke feeling terrible, so it was a good day to stay in bed in read my book.  I am actually almost done reading the June book for my book group.  WOW….I might even get to join in on the discussion!   I should be able to finish the book tonight before bed, since Tommy has been sleeping in his bed again.

Erik had a terrible time getting to sleep last night since he was scared since Josh wasn’t with him.  He slept upstairs on the couch instead.  I bet that will be an all week occurrence. 

This morning I mailed off my three E-bay auctions I sold.  Just some maternity dresses.  I hope to get some more pictures taken and auctions started next weekend.  Well time to get some more work done.  Later!

Hope all of your had a wonderful weekend! 

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