I am bumming….for the first time ever, I ordered a book from Half.com and I never received it.  So I had to file a complaint.  ARGH!!  That really is unfortunate I have never had any trouble on either E-bay or Half.com.  I wanted to read the book already!!!!!  ARGH!  I have a couple of auctions going on E-bay and I have bids on two items already…..I like getting rid of stuff from my house and earning a bit of extra cash to go buy more junk…LOL!!!

What else is new…work is really stressful.  Going through a thing there were I need a bullet proof outfit already.  Verbal bullets of course.  I am not very good at that, I take it personally and get stressed.  But it is all part of being a public servant.   Being a librarian looks better and better sometimes.  LOL!!!   I took today off, just didn’t want to deal with stuff.

Of course it is rainy very hard this morning and I don’t think there will be Mommy’s club since we were going to the beach.  I could quick pick up the living room up and have everyone over here, but I don’t really feel like it.  Today we need to go to Toys R Us and get a gift for our three year old neighbors party tomorrow.  We also are planning on going to the Shoreview community Center to swim indoors today.   

Last night I actually got more than one page read of my book for my BOOKMOMS group.   Of course I hada little goof in bed with me trying to grab the pages.   Tommy has been terrible about sleeping in his own bed lately,  He screams and screams and I am not big on letting him cry it out.   Drives my hubby nuts…..but I can’t stand it.  If he needs and wants me I want to be there for my baby, he is only 8 months old.

Well I am off to pick up a bit and get ready for my day………TTYL!

0 thoughts on “

  1. That is too bad about the book at half.com  I haven’t had any trouble there yet.  I’ve been buying and selling there for about four years maybe?  But I have had a bad experience at eBay.  It’s too bad that some people have to ruin it for the honest people.

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