hello……this has been a very good and very needed day off! It was a nice day, even though it rained all day. I had woke up at 4am and read for a bit and fell back to sleep.
In the morning we got up and got things ready to go to ShoreView Community Center. I threw a roast in the crock pot and made the BLT Macaroni salad and threw that in the fridge. After some quick sandwiches we head to Shoreview Community Center. Both Erik and Josh each brought a friend along as well. So Paul, 5 boys and I headed out for an adventure.
Tommy played in this area the whole time. We sat on the bottom and he jumped, jumped and jumped! He really enjoyed himself. We got there at about 12:30 and Tommy stayed in the water very content until about 2:30. Then he got a bit crabby and we got out and warmed him up and had a bottle and he fell asleep.
The big boys stayed over in this area for the most part. They would come visit Tommy a bit, but they likes the water slide, etc. This place really wasn’t a bad deal for only 20.00 a family to get in. We had a great time!
Afterwards we headed home and had supper. Paul took the boys to the Manitou Days parade after supper. I stayed home with Tommy since he was asleep. I figured I could read my book. HA!! 10 minutes after everyone leaves crank is awake. ARGH!! So I held him and held him…………..
I ended up giving Tommy some Motrin and put some numb stuff on his gums. He is actually asleep right now….IN HIS BED!! Well with that said, I must run to my bed and try to get a page read before he is screaming and in bed with me.
Tomorrow I have to run to Toys R Us and get a present for our neighbor Noah’s birthday party. He will be three and is having a beach party tomorrow in his yard. He was very excited to bring us his invitation over. I also have to get Josh packed tomorrow since he is leaving for camp on Sunday for one week.
What a great place! I have never seen an inside water-park before, but it is a wonderful idea.