I love xanga.  It is so wonderful to sound off on here and get all this great advice to try from all these mom’s that have been there.  I took all your advise and went out and bought Tommy some Motrin for him tonight.  I gave it to him at around, 9:30 and hubby took him and fed him a few more ounces of formula.  Of course Tommy pukes all over him.  So I gave Tommy another 1/2 dose of meds since I figured he puked most of it up.  I am not sure if that is part of the teething or if my hubby is over feeding him or what, but Tommy has puked on him three times in 2 days.  If this continues I think I will end up taking Tommy into the Dr on Thursday just to make sure this is just teething. 

Tommy signed milk tonight again for me, this time while he was drinking.  I did introduce the sign for eat this evening while feeding him his pears.  So hopefully that will be our next sign.   Now I just have to teach it to hubby and get him in the habit of signing it. 

It is now 11:05 here in MN, and the teething monster that possesses my baby hasn’t not come to visit yet.  YEAH!!  I hope this is a good sign.   You all might be right and Motrin is the cure!!


Well I have successfully completed my first auction on E-bay.  I had a number of items that didn’t sell at the garage sale, that I really thought should have.  So I did an auction on E-bay.  It really is pretty easy.    I sold 15 ventaire bottles and a bottle drainer.   I made more money on them on E-bay then I had them marked at the garage sale.  I have one other auction left that ends tonight for a couple of baby Gap outfits I have.   They also are already at more than what I had them marked at the garage sale.  I hope to get a chance to get a few more summer outfits of Tommy’s out there and some summer maternity dresses and capris I have. 

Of course I am about breaking even on E-Bay since I have bought a couple of Tommy Hilfiger outfits for the boys with my earnings.  LOL!!  I guess that is the point for me, sell the boys clothes to get more that fit them. 

I am off to list a few books on half.com for my mom…..hope we ALL have a restful night!   I promise I will make my rounds soon.  Not much free time lately!   Hope everything is great with all of you!

Welcome to my new subscriber, Zvanoizu!

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