Another night of little sleep.   Tommy wakes up every 3 1/2 hours screaming.   Argh.   As soon as the Tylenol wears off.  He is terribly crabby this morning, but I think he will stay home with Daddy and I will still go to work.   I will be home alone with Tommy all night since Paul has school. 

I am totally convinvce Tommy is signing now.  Last night I had him in bed with me and he had been changed, oral gel  and tylenol and was still not happy.   Finally he looked right at me, signed milk and off we went to get a bottle.  He did want it.   It was the best sign I have seen him make.   It is very cool.

I can’t wait for these last two teeth to finally break through.  Argh.  This is so hard on the little guy.   Well I am off to see if I can comfort him a bit before I leave for work.

0 thoughts on “

  1. How wonderful he could tell you what he wanted!  Sure hope those teethies pop through soon.  We found Motrin to work better than Tylenol. 

  2. Ask your pediatrician about Advil (aka: motrin, ibuprofen).  It lasts for 6 hours instead of 4, and that’s important in the middle of the night!

    My daughter actually hates the taste of oragel.  She screams louder with it than she does without it.

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