ok…I should have went to bed last night as soon as Tommy fell asleep.  I headed to bed and as soon as I feel asleep he woke up.  It was around 1:30am and he was screaming or fussy or some state in between until at least 4:00.  And the alarm went off at 6:00 am.  I made a Dr appointment this morning at 8:50 for Tommy so we will do that quick before I have to be at my 10:00 meeting. 

Tommy is sleeping again he just woke up at 7:00, but fell back asleep in Daddies arms.   I need to grab a quick shower and get him to the Dr.

Argh…long day at work today with two major meetings on little or no sleep.   I can’t do this much longer.    I am amazed I am still functioning at all.

BTW, I actually alternated Motrin and Tylenol throughout the night, and I think this was the worse night we have had for him sleeping and crying.  Maybe he had too much medicine???  I have no idea anymore. 

One thought on “

  1. Alternating medicine is usually not a good idea.  Motrin and Tylenol have slightly different mechanisms of action.  They generally don’t recommend using one and then the other. 

    It’s the pits when the wee ones are sick, isn’t it?

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