Happy Wednesday………….

SO today is my day to *attempt to work from home.   As soon as I get Tommy settled down, I will get out my laptop and work on some reports for work.   He is listening to his mobile right now.  He is up dressed, has ate his yams and hada bottle.   So he should be fine soon.  Just a bit crabby, but he has that tooth coming in. 

I just checked my library account and I have three books in…YEAH!! That is always exciting for me…..(what a geek!)

The books are all baby food making books…..

Mommy made– and daddy to : home cooking for a healthy baby and toddler

The baby cookbook : tasty and nutritious meals for the whole family that babies and toddlers will also love

Microwave cooking for your baby and child : the ABCs of creating quick, nutritious meals for little ones

OH and CUPOJAVA – the book your reading, Super Baby Food, is the one I am using as well.  But I am not sure how I feel about there super porridge and all the additional things they add, especially the brewer’s yeast.  My oldest son is allergic to yeast so I don’t really want to introduce it to Tommy and find out the hard way he is allergic too. 

So I have been flipping through numerous book and websites on the topic of making baby food to see what I come up with.   We have made some food already and it was VERY easy!  Actually sort of fun, but I love to cook.

Well I am off to rescue crabby, he isn’t intetersted in his mobile anymore. 

2 thoughts on “

  1. Best of luck w/ your homemade baby food stuff.  My kids didn’t like it when I did it (but I didn’t persist too long either) – let us know how Tommy likes it!

  2. How;d it go? DH worked from home yesterday as well.

    Ok, to answer your questions….

    I think it was just a couple of weeks ago that I felt J’s first tooth. She’ll be 6 months on the 2nd.

    Water Babies class is through the St. Paul community education classes thingie. pop me an e-mail if you want more info. I still have the book with the locations, times, fees, registration, etc…. 🙂

    Whole foods is in  St. Paul on the corner of Fairview and Grand. and you DON’T want to be there on a Sat. unless you enjoy standing in lines that run down the aisle’s of the store.

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