Productive Day!!  I love those kind of days.  It is Friday and I got most of the errands done, the house is clean and ready to enjoy the weekend. 

Have you ever had a project that you have procrastinated so much on that you think you might as well give up.  Or really the problem is that you are not finishing the project because you think the results will be failure.  I have that HUGELY occurring in my life!  Due to heath reasons with my pregnancy I have not finished my thesis.  And now I am very scared to do it.  

But have a great plan for completing it, and actually worked on the first two items on my list that I had to do for my thesis.   I am desparate at this point to finish this #$#^^%  thing and get on with my life.  It is such a guilt hanging over my head.  I am actually checking into a hotel all by myself next week and hopefully finishing up my paper!    I think I will be able to finish it.   I have never been away from the baby overnight, but I feel that I have to do this if I am ever to complete the thesis.   It is only two days out of his life and he will never know the difference, but he will have his mommy back all to him again after that.  No more nagging guilt when playing with the baby that I should be doing my thesis, etc.

I plan on doing my oral presentation in May with time for revisions in June.  Then I will have the summer free from this guilt of completing this long overdue project.  

I have accomplished alot in my life, but this thesis is the hardest thing mentally for me to do.  I have never experienced such a fear to complete something.   Well I am off to read a bit and try to relax.

Tomorrow we are off to see the baby farm animals and the Easter Bunny.  Actually all the kids are asleep all 4 of them.   Hubby just left to pick up Josh from his youth group midnighter. 

2 thoughts on “

  1. I love when I feel productive and on top of things!  Nothing like starting off a weekend that way – so you are able to enjoy it!

    Love your background!

  2. Wow, what a great step to finishing up your thesis.  It’s very evident this means a lot to you and having it unresolved has been a weight on your shoulders.  I hope your time away in the hotel is just the ticket you need to accomplish the task you’ve set in front of you.  Good luck!!!

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