Yeah…I slept in till 9:30 that felt amazing. I should get the baby up soon or his schedule will be all off. Today is a day my son, Josh will want added to the history books. Our school district actually cancelled school today due to the amount of snow! This is the first time they have done this in 5 years. When we lived in more rural Minnesota, school would often be cancelled since the bus couldn’t get the more rural children into school. But now living in the cities, the kids all live closer to the school. Josh was just commenting last night about never having school cancelled anymore. So this morning he came in our room at 6:30 to say, SCHOOLS CANCELLED!! We do have a lot of snow! So Josh is a happy boy! Tommy’s school was cancelled today as well.
I had taken today off to work on some research. I will be able to get the stuff on the Internet done, but probably won’t venture out to the University of MN today. The roads are getting pretty cleared, but after a big snow it seems like most people have forgotten how to drive in snow. You really have to watch out for the other drives a lot.
Tonight Erik comes for the weekend. I also will have Nick and Kristen over night tonight since Chelsea has a dance competition tomorrow morning. So the kids are coming at supper time tonight. We are having scalloped potatoes and ham with salad.
Tomorrow we are heading to the Rosedale Mall. They are having the MN zoo there with baby farm animals and of course the Easter Bunny will be there. So we will be taking all 5 kids with us for an outing. I am sure it will be fine. Josh and Hubby both help with the kids a lot.
Well the baby is waking up so I best get going and get him ready and fed. Then it is off to do some research.
Have a great FRIDAY!! The weekend is almost here!
Have a great weekend. It’s suppose to be in the low 80’s here today. Spring has definitely sprung here.
YIPPEE on sleeping late and how wonderful for Josh getting his wish. A snow day once in awhile is truly a treat for a child!!
…glad the snow is there providing you and Josh a day from the norm. Also, I am delighted the snow is not here! It’s win/win weather!